
信仰办公室 & 行动


的 信仰办公室 and 行动 provides resources and opportunities to guide students as they cultivate an ethical worldview, 有目的地行动, 永远改变世界. 150多年来, 中北书院 students from different faith traditions have united as a campus community where mutual respect produces vibrant discussion and collective action. Affiliated with the 曼联 Methodist Church and rooted in the Christian tradition, North Central encourages students to ask questions and develop their personal faith during this spiritually pivotal time in their lives.


  • 礼拜仪式(12:5)
  • 圣经学习和小组
  • Interfaith celebrations and dialogue
  • Mentoring and discipleship opportunities
  • 精神撤退 
  • 旅行服务
  • 志愿服务机会
  • 基督教节日礼拜仪式
  • 讲座系列(Lux Veritas系列扬声器)


Meet the staff, student groups, and connect with us on social media. 的 信仰办公室 and 行动 equips students to grow spiritually, 为有意, and engage wholeheartedly on our campus and around the world.



At North Central, you have the opportunity to grow deeper in your faith. In additional to the weekly student-led Christian interdenominational worship service (焦点), our office facilitates Bible studies, small groups, retreats, and prayer groups. 也, many students find a home in one of the many faith communities and churches in the Naperville area, 通常离校园只有几个街区.


立博在线体育已经创建了 12:5, a bi-weekly worship service and campus-wide gathering - an encouraging time of Christian worship and community for students, 教师, 和工作人员. 的 brief, 20-minute service includes lively music, a devotional message from other Cardinals. Lunch is provided after each service. 的 name of this worship service and its purpose are rooted in Romans 12:5, 上面写着:“以同样的方式, 虽然立博在线体育有很多人, 立博在线体育在基督里成为一体, and individually we belong to each other.”

For the duration of the 2021-2022 school year, 12:5 每隔一个星期二举行一次, beginning on the second Tuesday of the Fall Semester (8/31/21) and Spring Semester (1/18/22).



  • 立博体育平台: Fellowship with other Catholic students during gatherings that feature weekly home-cooked meals, 学习圣经, 特殊的人, 静修和校外弥撒.
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): Team up with this national-athletic focused ministry for fellowship, outreach and spiritual growth.
  • 穆斯林学生会(MSA): 探索人民, cultures and beliefs of Islam through religious dialogue through cultural understanding. 
  • 曼联: Join in faithful discipleship with radical inclusivity, through the teachings of the 曼联 Methodist Church. 


  • Cardinals in 行动: Circle K International (CIA:CKI): Be part of the international organization Kiwanis, and join with other students for community service projects in our own backyard.
  • 满足需求: 参加立博在线体育的年度, community-wide Feed My Starving Children Mobilepack hosted at North Central.
  • Summer Ministry Teams and Internships: Get involved with our student teams leading Vacation Bible 学校, 野营部委, 还有暑期教堂实习.
  • 年轻的生命: Minister to and serve middle school, high school, and special needs students in the local community.


From the Chicago area to the Appalachian Mountains to impoverished areas overseas, students have the opportunity to travel and serve during academic breaks through 分离. Recent 分离 trips include Nicaragua, 密歇根, 秘鲁, 维吉尼亚州, 萨尔瓦多, 路易斯安那州, 科罗拉多州, 和更多的!



Lux Veritas系列扬声器—drawing from 中北书院's religious and academic heritage—engages our community in conversations with leaders whose faith motivates them to transform the world. 灵感来自立博在线体育大学的校徽, a lamp representing "light" and a book representing "truth," these events connect us with leaders that explore important issues in a spirit of truth while spreading light into the world as a means to live out our purpose.


十字路口: Be part of a community-wide day of service uniting nonprofit organization and churches to meet the needs of surrounding communities.

当地教堂: We encourage students to get involved in one of the many faith communities in the Naperville area. We help students find a place to worship within a short walk or drive from campus.


  • 返校节教堂仪式
  • 马丁·路德·金. 祈祷早餐会上
  • 圣灰星期三礼拜
  • 逾越节晚餐
  • 耶稣受难日礼拜
  • 学士学位
